Tuesday 30 September 2014

Updating the anthem

There's a move afoot in Canada to amend the national anthem, O Canada, to remove a non-gender-inclusive phrase.  The words "all thy sons" should, it's proposed, give way to "all of us".  Seems unobjectionable, though you'd be amazed how many traditionalists (i.e. the Tory government in Ottawa) want to stick with the old words.

There's another issue here, though.  Once you start picking away at the words, the whole anthem emerges as a viper's nest of problems.  Let's go through it line by line.

O Canada, our home and native land.

Not any more it isn't! Canada's a country of immigrants, so it's not really the "native land" for a large percentage of the population.  And while we're at it, a lot of Canadians live abroad, so when they sing the anthem, it's not really their home, is it?

True patriot love, in all thy sons command.

We've already agreed that the sexism has to go, but what about that word "patriot"?  Patriotism is famously "the last refuge of a scoundrel", and that's surely not what we want to say about ourselves, is it?

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,  the true north strong and free.

Whaddaya mean, north?  The most populous parts of Canada lie south of large chunks of the United States.  (For example, Toronto lies to the south of Seattle, Portland and Minneapolis).  In addition, Canada lies south of most of the parts of Europe from which its white settlers came, including the pioneering French and English.

From far and wide O Canada we stand on guard for thee. 

Clearly non-inclusive of folks with disabilities who are unable to stand when the anthem is sung. The "stand on guard" part is anachronistically militaristic too, especially with Canada spending so little on its armed forces these days.

God keep our land glorious and free, O Canada we stand on guard for thee.

Who dragged the Deity into this??  Clearly not appropriate in this more "enlightened" day and age!

So where does all of that leave us?  Let's put it back together.

O Canada, our favourite patch of land
Warm sentiments in all of us command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise, a very big country
From far and wide O Canada
We gather 'round for thee
Let's hope our land stays glorious and free
O Canada we gather 'round for thee!

Inspiring, no?  Think I should have a go at the French language version?

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